China's Rise &
The Global Israel Initiative

8th Annual Conference on Israel's China Policy

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Hybrid Conference

8-11 am

U.S. Eastern

2-5 pm

Central European

3-6 pm


4-7 pm

Abu Dhabi

5:30-8:30 pm

New Delhi

8-11 pm


9 pm-Midnight



Key Themes

  • Introduction to the Global Israel Initiative
  • The First Middle East War in the Era of Great Power Competition – Key Takeaways
  • The View from China: The Global Arena, the Middle East, and Israel
  • Europe and China-U.S. Relations: Should Israel Take Notes?
  • Israel’s Indo-Pacific Future: From Regional to Middle Power on the Global Stage
  • Beijing, Moscow, Teheran: A Tale of Three Cities – What it Means for the World and Israel
  • India-Middle East-Europe Corridor (IMEC): A Regional and/or Global Realignment?


  • Amb. Efraim Halevy, Former Chief of the Mossad
  • Mr. Mark B. Lambert, China Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Secretary for China and Taiwan, U.S. Department of State 
  • The Honorable Senator Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, President, EU Committee, Senate; Former Foreign Minister of Italy 
  • Ms. Carice Witte, Founder & Executive Director, SIGNAL Group 
  • Mr. Nitzan Horowitz, Former Minister of Health and Member of the Security Cabinet 
  • Mr. Jude Blanchette, Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Amb. Francesco M. Talò, Senior Advisor to the Minister of Defense of Italy; Former Diplomatic Advisor to Prime Minister Meloni 
  • Amb. Bilahari Kausikan, Chairman, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore 
  • Mr. Hagai Shagrir, Head of the Northeast Asia Bureau, Asia-Pacific Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs* 
  • Prof. NIU Xinchun, Academic Vice President, Ningxia University; Council Member, Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs 
  • Prof. Dima Adamsky, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University*
  • Dr. ZHAO Hai, Director, International Politics Research Department, National Think Tank for Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  •  Prof. Kazuto Suzuki, Professor of Science and Technology Policy, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo 
  • Prof. HUANG Renwei, Executive Vice Dean, Fudan Institute of Belt and Road & Global Governance Prof. HONGDA Fan, Middle East Studies Inst. (MESI), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) 
  • Mr. Yuval Sherashevsky, Former Head of the Research Division in the Prime Minister’s Office 
  • Dr. Meena Singh Roy, Former Head West Asia & Eurasia, MP- IDSA, Delhi; Senior Fellow & Head, West Asia & Central Asia, Tillotoma Foundation, Delhi; 
  • Ms. Galit Palzur, Fellow, SIGNAL Group; Board of Directors, Forum Dvorah 
  • Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Alaa Abu Rukun, Deloitte Israel; Former Military Secretary to the President & Former Military Attaché to China 
  • Mr. Roi Feder, Managing Director, London, APCO 
  • Dr. Nir Boms, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University 
  • Brig. Gen. (res.) Eran Ortal, Former Commander of Dado Center for Multidisciplinary Military Thinking